Technology Is Moving Rapidly With Every Nonprofit Accounting System – Are You Going With It?

There are a lot of choices being offered for a Nonprofit Financial Accounting System these days and the delivery methods may become confusing for you.

This webinar relates solely to the various options for your organization, and our plan is to bring clarity to you and your nonprofit as you consider your options for the future.

In this webinar we will cover the various areas that vendors offer, as well as the benefits and constraints of each, including the following areas:

  • Various purchase options for licensing
  • Various implementation options – on-premise or Cloud
  • Effect of each as it relates to your staff
  • Comparative effect of internal technical staff to external technical staff
  • If we move to “the Cloud”, where is my data?

These are all questions that are very important and relevant to your final decision when you do begin considering the changes that are occurring in today’s world.

Join us as we address these very important questions.