Sage 100 Newsletter – Q1 2020
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage 100
From the Desk of the Sage 100 Consulting Manager, Lisa Margolies
I trust all are doing well and staying healthy during this time. As you recently heard from our co-founders, Net at Work has been monitoring the Coronavirus situation, in accordance with the CDC and public health and safety guidelines, and has been actively taking steps to ensure the safety of our teams and the continuity of our operations.
We’ve had disaster preparedness and business continuity plans in place for events such as this for some time, and we designed our business to withstand these occurrences with minimal impact to you. Should you need assistance, we are here to assist your continuity plans and ensure your work from home systems are in order and leverage the correct technology to minimize disruption. Read the letter from our Co-founders: Coronavirus: A Message from our Co-founders
Net at Work Sage 100 Team Meeting
Pre-travel restrictions, we recently held our annual Sage 100 Team meeting where we all got together for two days of learning and fun in sunny Florida. Thank you to our sponsors Sage and our amazing ISVs Tangerine, ScanForce, VineyardSoft, Scano, V-Technologies and Avalara, for joining us and taking the time to spend time with us.

The Net at Work Sage 100 Team at their Team Meeting
Update on Sage’s Latest Supported Versions
Please find below Sage’s latest supported versions document. Based on the document, Sage will not be supporting version 2017 and below as of March 2020.
As always, we are here to support you in any way we can to ensure business continuity. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly with any questions or concerns.
Wishing you, your families and colleagues all the best.