As most of you now know, Sage Enterprise Management Version 12 is out and garnering a lot of attention with the new responsive layout and great new functional enhancements. As always, please let me know if you would like to talk about any system or business initiatives.

Sage X3 Newsletter – Q1 2019
Keeping You Up-To-Date With Information About Sage X3
Sage Enterprise Intelligence (SEI) – Adding A New Field to A SEI Design Process & Report View
By: Net at Work Team
SEI has an abundance of out of the box, design processes and views. Unfortunately, not every field that you need has been added to the process, therefore it may not be not an available selection to add to your reports. In this article, we show an example of how to add a new field to a design process, followed up with adding it to the report view.
ERP and B2B eCommerce Integration Best Practices
By: Net at Work Team
Online retail organizations must cultivate and maintain seamless backend infrastructure to meet customer demand. Enterprise resource planning and ecommerce platform integration is an essential part of this equation, allowing sellers both big and small to develop smooth web-based sales channels that not only keep customers happy but also reduce the operational burden.
Sage Enterprise Management v12 New Version Release!
By: Net at Work Team
See all the new features & benefits! Sage recently released the Enterprise Management version 12 and we recently held a well-attended webinar to review and highlight all the new features.
Field Service Solutions
By: Net at Work Team
One of the recent areas of demand has been around helping companies get better control of their field service organizations. Many companies have technicians or specialists who are sent to customer locations in order to do installations, training, repairs or proactive maintenance.
Restarting Web Services in Sage Enterprise Management
By: Rod Quenneville, Team Leader, Sage Enterprise Management Technical Services | Senior Developer
So, what do you do if web orders stop coming in to your system, but everything else seems to be functioning? In this article we’ll illustrate the steps to reboot Sage Enterprise Management Web Services.
Sage Enterprise Management: The ERP for the Heavy Building Materials Industry
By: Net at Work Team
From procurement to warehousing, production, sales, customer service & financials management, Enterprise Management can better manage businesses in the heavy building materials industry on a global scale, including simplified management of complex organizational structures (multi-company, multi-site) – from one common instance.
Chemical Corner: Regulation Management & Reporting with Sage Enterprise Management
By: Net at Work Team
The Chem at Work edition of Sage Enterprise Management provides regulation management functionality for the ever-changing regulatory landscape of the global chemical distribution & manufacturing industries. See how our solution helps you manage the regulations, and report to the governing bodies as required by the chemical industry business processes and commitments.