Net at Work Live Demo Series

More than 18,000+ companies running NetSuite, the #1 Cloud ERP.

Built from the ground up for the cloud, NetSuite lowers costs, reduces hassle for IT, and offers a one database model spanning back-office financials, customer records, & the professional services side of your business - while providing complete visibility & simplified integration to your data. Join us and see it live.

Upcoming Presentation Date:
June 15

Is NetSuite Cloud ERP Right For You?
If you answer "yes" to any of the questions below, you and your team should attend this introduction to learn more about NetSuite.

Do you need an ERP system with integrated financials, CRM, eCommerce, manufacturing, etc. while at the same time looking for ways to reduce costs?

Are you looking for ways to streamline operations and improve employee productivity?

Do you have multiple versions of the truth about your customers, vendors, financial information and eCommerce websites?

Do your current systems require extensive use of Excel to store data or build manual reports every month?

Are you stuck on an unsupported version of your software because of extensive customizations that have you locked in?

Is your firm worried about the hidden cost of paying for the constant upgrades?

Are you worried about the cost of maintaining the appropriate hardware infrastructure to support the ever expanding requirements of your current system?

Featured Speakers
Drew Macbeth
NetSuite Practice Director
Net at Work
Sean Munzert
Client Care Executive
Net at Work
Rob Lawson
NetSuite Sr. Solutions Architect
Net at Work
NetSuite 5-Star Award 2020

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