Sage ERP X3 Tip: Using The Price Update Function
In this post we review the Price Update function within Sage ERP X3. This feature allows you to setup rules that can perform mass updates and apply to existing price lists in Sage X3.
First you must Setup the Price Update definition.
Click new and give the definition a name. Select the price list in Sage ERP X3 that you want to update. You can also select the specific price record or range of records to update or if you check off “Modifiable Sel” you have the ability to modify the record range at the launch of the update.
You have the ability of selecting whether you are going to copy the record, modify the record or do a currency exchange. If you choose to Copy, a new price record will be created. You must have automatic sequencing parameter turned on for your price records in order for a copy to be created. For Modify or Currency Change, you can enter validity dates, if left blank the price record of the modified price record remains unchanged.
You can link to other tables depending on what criteria will be used for your update.
Processing Variable
You can define the variable that will be used as selection criteria at the time of running the update.
Click the lines button. Here is where you determine what the update calculation will be. The example below updates the price to the last cost of the item.
You have the ability to assign a new value using a formula or a constant. You can also use an expression to limit the number of lines affected within the price record.
Run the Update
Once the definition is created you can run your update.
Select the definition you are using and the record(s) you want to update. Only records that have validity dates that fall within the Valid On date entered will be updated. You can enter new validity dates for the record that will be copied or modified. You can use the variables setup with the definition to only update select lines with the price record or leave blank for all.
The update can be run in simulation mode where you can see the results without doing the update.
Click OK and you will see the potential change.
Click OK and your price record will be created/updated.
If you would like further assistance with using the Price Update function in Sage ERP X3 please email us here.