Sage CRM – Sales Force Automation
Who, what, when, where and why do people purchase your companies goods and services? Discovering the answers to these questions sets companies apart and gives them an edge in markets crowded with aggressive new competition. To succeed in this environment your organization must have complete control of sales processes and make the best use of sales resources. SageCRM Sales provides a solution for management, forecasting and reporting throughout all phases of the sales cycle. Using leading-edge technology sales teams and partner channels access critical real-time sales information anytime, from anywhere.
Account and Activity Management
SageCRM (formerly Accpac CRM) provides the tools to manage and analyze all current and historical account details and activities. With SageCRM you can easily manage multiple accounts and opportunities, and automatically distribute leads to sales professionals around the world. Sophisticated workflow provides automated sales processes to guide sales people through proven selling methods. Automate your business processes to automatically trigger literature fulfillment, follow-up appointments, callbacks, daily tasks and more. By analyzing the information available, you can recruit new clients and resell to existing ones.
Sales Cycle Management
SageCRM Sales provides a snapshot of the sales cycle from first prospect to final sale and every step in between, allowing sales teams to analyze and manage the sales pipeline. You can assign a probability of closing the sale at each stage of your business sales cycle including prospecting, lead qualification, demonstrations, quotes and the sale. By defining each stage, sales staff and management are provided with real-time rolling forecasts and pipeline Analysis. Detailed reporting can be performed to assure time and energy is spent on the deals most likely to close. Accpac CRM allows you to automate the escalation and reassignment of communications and tasks at any stage of the process, assuring your clients’ needs are being addressed by the appropriate employee. Can your current system determine that a deal has a 70 percent probability of closing and immediately reassign that deal to your “closer”? By providing detailed information at every stage of the sales cycle, SageCRM guarantees the right people get the right information, right away.
WAP Solution—Mobilize to Make Every Sale
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)-enabled, SageCRM provides the ability to access all aspects of the system from a WAP enabled cellular phone or other WAP-enabled devices. Today keeping mobile sales professionals connected and in the know represents your greatest challenge. With Accpac CRM, your team has on-the-spot access to the resources they need to close every sale. When they’re online, the Web client provides a real-time link to their SageCRM data. Even without access to a cable or phone connection the team has access to pertinent real-time information via a personal digital assistant (PDA), WAP device or wireless phone. If your sales staff requires offline access to SageCRM data our SOLO synchronization utility consolidates the information quickly and easily, providing your sales people multiple options to access the same data.
Graphical Analysis and Reporting Forecast, Report and React… Intelligently
SageCRM provides point-and-click reporting and graphs that allow sales teams access to data for on-the-spot analysis and evaluation. With Accpac CRM you’ll always have the real time information you need. Start by assessing new leads, quoted clients, demographics and potential deals in the pipeline, then analyze your sales efforts and use that knowledge to refine your strategy. For example, graphical forecasting allows you to filter and report data by account manager, region, opportunity, probability, any way you choose to do so. Use system default reports or easily create new reports with a reporting wizard that walks you through the process prompting you to select the data you would like to see and where you would like to see it. SageCRM lets you analyze trends and evaluate historical data to see what’s working and adjust what is not.
SOLO Server
SageCRM provides an interface allowing users to synchronize data after working offline. Easily setup and maintained from within SageCRM, this utility allows synchronization of data from the central database at the office or via the Internet. With the simple push of a button, the synchronization uploads and downloads data—including updating documents to Accpac CRM Document Library. SageCRM provides sales personnel a synchronization tool to keep the data they need even when a network or wireless device is not available.
SageCRM Sales is a fully integrated component of SageCRM. Other elements of SageCRM include Customer Care and Marketing.