How Creatio is Transforming Lead Generation and Marketing Automation

Creatio CRMIn this on-demand web demo, we will guide you through the art of lead generation, marketing automation, and customer segmentation, using Creatio’s CRM Marketing platform. We will demonstrate Creatio’s powerful, next-generation capabilities in these areas, and more:

  • Lead Generation and Management: Utilizing Creatio’s Landing Pages feature to capture leads using custom form fills that are integrated with your company website.
  • Automated Lead Nurturing: Using Creatio to create an automated series of sequences after a lead is created from a website form.
  • Customer Segmentation and Personalization: Creating customer segments based on factors like demographics, behaviors, or previous interactions.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Crafting targeted email campaigns, incorporating personalization and A/B testing to optimize email engagement.
  • Marketing Automation Workflows: Setting up workflows that trigger actions based on specific customer behaviors, such as sending follow-up emails and assigning leads to the right salespeople.

See firsthand how today’s leading organizations are transforming their marketing using Creatio’s full-scale CRM – all under a single, no-code platform.