Latest News:
July 6, 2009
Management Information Services, Inc./MIS Group
5310 Harvest Hill Rd., Suite 200
Dallas, TX 75230

Sage Reseller MIS Group Suddenly Closes
July 6, 2009 – Management Information Services, Inc./MIS Group announced today that effective July 6, 2009 it will cease all business operations. “As a result of the current economic crisis, the lack of available credit and market circumstances beyond our control, we unfortunately are not able to be viable as a business and continue to service our customers”, stated Robert Muir, Chief Executive Officer. “Although the company has attempted to manage and restructure itself to remain solvent, regrettably after considering all available alternatives, the company determined this as the only course of action. We appreciate the long-term relationships with our employees, customers and partners and are saddened by the outcome and hardship on all parties involved. We also want to recognize everyone’s efforts in working through this difficult period”, said Muir.

MIS’ senior secured lender will assume control and responsibility over the assets of the company.

MIS Group provides business process services, data management services and business applications published by Sage® Software including Sage MAS 90 ERP, Sage MAS 200 ERP, Sage MAS 500 ERP, Sage Timberline Office, Sage Master Builder, SageCRM, Sage SalesLogix and Sage Abra HRMS. In order to provide continuity to its customer base, MIS is advising all Sage customers to initially contact Sage directly at 866-996-7243 for assistance. Additional customer and vendor information will be provided over the next several days as it becomes available at the MIS website at www.misgroupusa.com.

About MIS Group
MIS Group is a technology services organization that provides a unique blend of business process services, business software applications and data management services, giving you a single source for your technology needs. Based in Dallas, Texas, with offices in Houston, Denver, and Phoenix, MIS Group serves customers throughout the central and western United States as well as Canada and Mexico.

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