New Capabilities In Sage ERP X3 Version 6.4
Sage delivers major enhancement releases to Sage ERP X3 every couple of years. In between, point releases deliver program fixes and a substantial number of enhancements. Sage recently released Sage X3 Version 6.4, which includes 80 functional enhancements. In this post we cover some of the highlights.
Sage ERP X3 Usability Enhancements
Sometimes small improvements to the software can smooth workflow and increase efficiency. These are just a few of the usability enhancements added throughout the Sage ERP X3 system:
- A new flexible and efficient search function makes it easy to find customers and prospects, especially in a large database.
- On an intercompany receipt, you now can enter the lots and supplier lots.
- A closed WO (work order) now must be reactivated to be updated. Previously it was possible to update a closed WO having a Provisional Production Cost (PPC) that was not yet calculated.
- On modifying a product category, a new prompt asks whether all the site categories need to be updated as well.
- If the BP (customer or supplier record) is inactive, the menus used to create distribution documents are not accessible.
- New zooms from the customer/supplier record have been added, including Non Expired Drafts, and Postponements.
- A confirmation message is added when creating a picking ticket in sales orders in the event of stock-out for a given product and if the order is set to Complete order.
- In Shipment preparation lists, the order of the lines is improved to keep the order displayed in the sales orders.
- When modifying the quantity of a POF in the planning workbench, a question is displayed asking whether the prices and discounts should be recalculated.
- The entry of items having a disabled status is now authorized in price list records.
- A deactivated or blocked customer cannot be selected on an order.
Sage X3 Control/Compliance Changes
The following changes were added to enhance control and compliance.
- Direct reversal of entries originating from payments is no longer allowed. A payment must be reversed by way of the accounting cancellation program of payments.
- Locks were added in a number of areas so that if one user is modifying a record, another user cannot modify it.
- New management of issued checks has been added to meet the U.S. requirements for report traceability and formalism.
Reporting Enhancements in Sage ERP X3
Reporting enhancements include:
- Creation of a new report during an Intra-Group Transfer to control the assets bought by the company of origin and the assets transferred to the target company.
- A new inquiry has been created for the cost price of subcontract orders. The report is similar to the industrial cost prices for Work Orders.
- New reports display movements in the transaction currency and give the detail of the totals by currency.
Please call us with your questions about Sage ERP X3 | Sage X3 Version 6.4.