How to Set Default Sales Delivery and Sales Invoice Types in Sage X3
For automatic deliveries, meaning deliveries being generated from a Sales Order, simply setup the SDHTYPNOR value parameter as to the desired value (i.e., SDH).
Automatic Delivery
- Open Setup > General parameters > parameter values
- Expand VEN Chapter, and use the action button and click on Details, for SSD group (Shipment management rules)
- Set the parameter SDHTYPNOR (Standard delivery type) to your desired default delivery type
Note: This parameter is used to default the delivery type and it can be set per folder, company, and site.
Manual Delivery
For manual deliveries (deliveries created directly from Sales > Delivery), a screen adjustment is required:
- Navigate to: Development > Script dictionary > Screens
- Open the SDH0 (Invoice management) screen and look for this field: SDHTYP
- Enter *”SDH” as a default value on this field
- Make sure to protect your change with an activity code
- Save and validate screen
For these changes to take effect, you also need to re-validate your sales delivery entry transaction:
- Navigate to Setup > Sales > Entry transactions > Delivery
- Select your transaction from the left menu and validate
Automatic Invoice
For automatic invoices, meaning invoices being generated from a sales delivery, simply setup the SIVTYP value parameter as to the desired value (i.e., INV).
- Open Setup > General parameters > parameter values
- Expand VEN Chapter, and use the action button and click on Details, for INV group (Invoicing rules)
- Set the parameter SIVTYP to your desired default invoice type
Note: This parameter is used to default the invoice type and it can be set per folder, company and site.
Manual Invoice
For manual invoices, invoices created directly from Sales > Invoices, a screen adjustment is required:
- Navigate to: Development > Script dictionary > Screens
- Open SIH0 (Invoice management) screen and look for this field: SIVTYP
- Enter *”INV” as a default value on this field
- Make sure to protect your change with an activity code
- Save and validate screen
For these changes to take effect, you also need to re-validate your sales invoice entry transaction:
- Navigate to Setup > Sales > Entry transactions > Invoices
- Select your transaction from the left menu and validate
For more information on setting default sales delivery and sales invoice types in Sage X3, please contact us