Sage Abra Tips And Tricks
In this article we’ll explain the process of setting up an audit trail in Sage Abra. We’ll also explain how to set up an employer in the attendance option.
Tip #1 – Set Up Audit Trail In Sage Abra
An audit trail provides a record of users of your Sage Abra system. It is an extremely useful tool for safeguarding Sage Abra data integrity. You can use the audit trail capabilities in the software to be aware of who is making changes in the system and to measure usersí performance. You can determine the number of changes users make and how often corrections are being made. It also keeps track of date, time, and the user who made the change.
Note: Audit trail records must be purged periodically to prevent a negative affect on system performance. Call us if you need assistance.
When setting up the Audit Trail, you can select which database files and fields need to be audited. For information about the database files and fields, you can refer to the data dictionaries in the individual product manuals, or give us a call for assistance.
To activate the Audit Trail:
- From the menu bar, select Rules, System, and then Enterprise Setup.
- Select the Audit Trail Setup tab.
- Verify that the option to Enable Auditing is set to Yes.
- From the Select File to Audit drop-down list box select the file to audit.
- Check the box next to Enable File Audit.
- From the Audit All Fields in File drop-down list box, select Yes to set the audit trail for all fields or select the individual fields to audit by placing a check in the Audit column next to the field description.
You can monitor audit trail results using three standard reports. To access them, from the menu bar select Reports/System/Audit Trail Reports. You can review audit information by User, by Date, or by File/Field in the database. We also can help you create custom audit reports using Crystal Reports. Give us a call for assistance.
Tip #2 – How To Set Up An Employer In The Attendance Option
- From the menu bar, select Rules/Attendance/Attendance Setup. If there is more than one company, the Employer Selection dialog box will open.
- Double-click the Employer to open the Attendance Setup dialog box.
- For all plans based on the fiscal year, enter the Fiscal Year Start date. Abra Attendance performs year-end carryover calculations for each employee. For example, if the system is set to perform carryover calculations on June 30 each year, set the Fiscal Year Start to July
Note: If the plan is based on an annual or anniversary year, then the Fiscal Year Start does not have to be entered. - Choose the type of Absence Units, either Hours or Days, that you want the Abra Attendance option to use to accrue time. The Absence Transaction should be in the same type of unit.
- Select from zero to five decimals places for the Absence Units.
- If you want Abra Payroll to update absence transactions for employeesí time sheets, check Receive Payroll Time Sheets. This means that during a final payroll when a timesheet earning is paid, the system creates an Absence Transaction in Abra Attendance. The timesheet earning must be linked to an absence reason code and the earnings category must be correct: V for vacation, S for illness, or W for personal.
Additionally, if you want Abra Payroll to update attendance accrual but the employerís leave plan accrual rates are based on hours worked or pay period, follow these procedures:
- 1. Make sure Link Payroll to Attendance for Accruals is checked on the Attendance Plan Setup panel. If you do not check it, only the leave plans in Abra Payroll that are not set up as attendance plan rates will accrue, and they will accrue only for Abra Payroll.
- 2. For the attendance plans that are being set up, set all seniority levels to zero.
- 3. In Abra Payroll, select the Payroll rule, Payroll Setup, and the Employer. Set each appropriate leave type to per hours worked or per pay period. Note: An employee may have more than one vacation, personal, or illness plan. For example, an employee has two illness plans: Illness-excused and Illness-unexcused. When the system updates accruals, it only updates the first plan it encounters. In this example, it would update only Illness-excused because that plan is listed alphabetically before Illness-unexcused.
- Click OK when the setup is completed.
Note: Instructions in these tips start from the menu bar to make them applicable across versions. You have other options for navigation depending on your version.
Please give us a call if you need assistance, or if you have any questions.